And Away We Go…

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any doubts about whether or not establishing this site would be a good idea. Do people really care about the psychological perspectives that drive tech? Is it worth spending time discussing current technological advances and their psych roots? Well, there’s only one way to find out.

The main reason I decided to do this was to combine the two topics that interest me most. It’s also somewhat surprising and exciting that there aren’t any sites that intertwine the fields together, at least none that I am aware of. Since I couldn’t find a site that does this, I figured I might as well start one. It never fails to surprise me how often one of these fields constantly affects the other. Thanks to rapid advances in technology, it has become much easier to study and report on the psychological findings of pretty much everything. In a similar manner, most tech-related products and businesses have very deep underlying psychological bases that should be explored further, but isn’t.

For each post, I am aiming for a weekly occurrence and am not expecting to write the next great novel. If I had an investment thesis for this site, it would be:

“To bring to light in simple fashion the impact of technology on the world through a psychological lens.”

So kick back and relax. Hopefully, this is one of many to come.