Category: Uncategorized

Reverse Psychology

We’ve all been both a victim and a perpetrator of this. Parents use reverse psychology to get their kids to eat their veggies. Kids would use it to get out of being yelled at for that one bad test grade. The slogan behind Lay’s chips is based on this idea. Why does it work so …

Sunk Cost Fallacy

The great thing about society is that even though every one of us differs in one way or another, we still have certain psychological tendencies we fall for. These cognitive biases tend to rule our everyday thinking whether we know it or not. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in or what your background …

Front Page: Casper

“What Nike did for exercise, what Whole Foods did for organic foods, we want to do for sleep.” ~ Philip Krim, CEO of Casper Overview As a part of the direct-to-consumer model family that’s been disrupting nearly every industry, Casper, to put it simply, delivers comfortable mattresses directly to the end user. In addition to …