Category: Uncategorized

Yearly Self-Analysis

It’s that time of year again. The time of self-reflection and setting new resolutions for the new year. It’s always beneficial to take time for yourself to identify all the things that went well over the course of the year and all the things that could have gone well. I find this to be extremely …

Subscription Box Models

The early 2010s marked the beginning of an innovative type of business model – the e-commerce subscription box. The subscription model itself wasn’t anything new – Netflix and many other SaaS companies use this model to generate a stable method of recurring revenue. However, applying this to certain kinds of physical goods and services is …

Consumer Psychology

Imagine your weekly grocery shopping plan of action: You walk in with your list of items that you need, grab the items, and check out. You might linger around to check out any new sales or whether you should grab that pack of Oreos because you’ve been such a good person. You pay for what …

24 Hours

If you’ve worked at a startup or founded your own, you understand the pressure of deadlines. The getting punched and bruised in a mental fashion from the moment you start work until the moment you leave. Then going back at it again. And again. And again. Time and time again, we put in a full …

Deal Sourcing

The ability for a VC firm to become successful in generating returns depends on a multitude of factors, which tend to be measured by all sorts of metrics and aggressively tracked against. However, the one aspect that rises above all of them is the ability to generate a strong deal flow, which is the rate …

Executive Function

Managing time. Prioritizing tasks. Adapting to changes constantly. Thinking critically. We do these things every single day whether we are aware of them or not. Though this remains a constant, what varies is how well individuals perform these activities. Over time, the ability to effectively execute on these can be the difference between reaching your …