Category: Uncategorized

Two Kinds of VCs

I was watching the above video where Vinod Khosla, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems and founder of Khosla Ventures, was talking to a group of Stanford GSB students. The first thing that stood out to me was his brutal honesty. There’s honesty, and then there’s the way Mr. Khosla speaks. His explanation for his honesty …

Apple Card

Apple’s newest toy, the Apple Card, is due this summer. Not quite as revolutionary in terms of purpose as its past inventions, but it will nonetheless attract a great number of people. It does have some unique differentiators that may make it more secure and private, but there are also a few things to watch …

Network Effects

If there’s one thing that venture capitalists love more than anything else, it is the idea of network effects. The idea that the value of a product or service to a user increases as the number of users also increases. This was first seen in the coming of the telephone network, where Robert Metcalfe explained …

China > US?

A few weeks ago, Fortune magazine released their annual Fortune Global 500 list, which is composed of a list of the top 500 companies in the world with respect to revenue. History was made when the list showed China as having more companies in the top 500 than the United States (129 vs 121 if …

Working At A Unicorn

It was recently announced that OneTrust, an Atlanta-based SaaS company and a leader in Privacy, Security, and Third-Party Risk Management software, raised $200 million in a Series A funding led by Insight Partners. There are three special items to note about this announcement: 1) the investment puts the valuation of the company at $1.3 billion, …


Priorities. People who can set them correctly usually end up going much further in their careers and lives than others. Setting the right priorities is much like what happens after cleaning your sink pipes with drano – everything just runs smoothly. Priorities are like the different steps you need to take to get from point …

A Look at Term Sheets

Picture this: As a founder of company looking to raise capital, you decide to meet with a few seed investors. You present your pitch deck, address any concerns surrounding your product/service or its market, and knock the meetings out of the park. Now each investor has presented you with a document outlining the basic agreements …

Project Libra: The Next Global Game-Changer

Since the announcement of Libra, the new cryptocurrency by Facebook along with 27 other founding members, it’s become the norm to debate whether Facebook, of all companies, should lead the creation of a new cryptocurrency. It certainly seems ironic that a company that’s been plagued by multiple privacy-related violations is the same one designing a …